YOPPSiteMIP data are now restructured

By steingod |

The YOPPSiteMIP data are restructured. The Merged Model Data Files (MMDF) have been harmonised in directory structures and naming conventions and organised in a parallel structure to the Merged Observatory Data Files (MODF). Both MODF's and MMDF's are discoverable through the search interface (recommended access mechanism). Direct access to files is provided through https://thredds.met.no/thredds/arcticdata/yoppsitemip.html. Those interested in a machine interface to the metadata can use https://adc.csw.met.no/ which by default provides an OGC CSW interface. OAI-PMH is available through https://adc.csw.met.no/oaipmh and OpenSearch through https://adc.csw.met.no/opensearch.